Emily Steedman, OTR/L

Emily holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Saint Louis University, and is a certified Resident Assessment Coordinator (RAC-CT).  She guest lectures at Saint Louis University and Dominican University OT programs and is a Trusted Advisor on the national speaker circuit.  She is the Senior Director of Strategic Growth for Consonus Rehab and also serves on the company’s Vital Life Foundation Ambassador Board. 

She has volunteered in rural and urban settings within Haiti since 2001, developing sustainable rehab programs and educating Haitians in the field of rehab.  One of the greatest weeks of her life was building the course content and teaching a Team and Patient Communication class at FSRL for the first class of OT/PT graduates. As a board member with HRF, she serves on the Development Committee and enjoys networking to engage other like-minded professionals with the opportunity to support rehab advancements in Haiti in unique ways.



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